
Welcome to my blog. These are cars I would put in my garage if I could. Hope you have a nice stay!

Elizabeth's Mazda MX3

Elizabeth's Mazda MX3

This was Elizabeth’s Mazda MX3. She called this little red cutie “Max”. 

Of all the cars that spent time in our garages, I think I miss this one most. I really regret letting little Max go. 

This car was soooo fun to drive. It was light and agile. And the gear ratios were so well matched to the torque curve of the engine. The engine numbers (88 bhp and 99 ft.lb) give you no clue how great it was. It was much more fun behind the wheel than on paper.

I would put this car back in my garage in a heartbeat.  

Honda Acty!

Honda Acty!

My 1977 Mk1 Golf (Rabbit)

My 1977 Mk1 Golf (Rabbit)